Health Savings Accounts for Physician Employees

While many physician offices have not implemented health savings accounts as an employee benefit, there is a prediction that many more will do so in the future. I thought you might be interested in this commentary by one medical practice that has implemented HSAs for its employees:

We switched 1/1/06.  Our employer was paying 100% of healthcare coverage for all employees and families.  We went to HSA/HDHP.  The employer is contributing the same set amount to each employee’s plan and the employees have the option to contribute enough to fully fund the deductible through payroll deduction if the physician contribution doesn’t cover it.  And we are STILL ahead!  We are covering 16 people, including physicians.  Naturally the family coverage group is not entirely thrilled as they potentially have a good amount of out-of-pocket expenses but we still have on of the best benefit packages in the area.


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