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A Few Ways to Avoid Probate

Planning Now Can Prevent Probate Later Probate is the process of proving the validity of a will and supervising the administration of an estate, usually in the probate court. State... Read More >

ERC and Incorrect Claims

Window is Open in Feb and March to Correct ERC Claims The IRS urges businesses to review their eligibility for the Employee Retention Credit because there s limited time for... Read More >

Beyond Malpractice Insurance

Beyond Malpractice Insurance Say the word insurance, and most doctors im mediately think malpractice. But if the only thing your group or individual medical practice is insured against is a... Read More >

What Is Values-Based Investing?

What Is Values-Based Investing? In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of values-based investing, as individuals increasingly seek to align their financial decisions with their beliefs... Read More >