Four words sum up physician administrator incentive plans: To each its own

From the Medical Group Management Association:

Although 73.2 percent of medical practices that responded to an informal questionnaire reported that they have administrator incentive plans, the types of incentives varied significantly. According to the MGMA Information Exchange “Administrator Incentive Plans”:

  • 51.2 percent offer a bonus based on practice profit;
  • 47.9 percent offer a raise based on merit;
  • 45.5 percent offer a discretionary cash award for exemplary performance;
  • 36.4 percent offer profit sharing; and
  • 4.1 percent offer a discretionary noncash award for exemplary performance.

The MGMA Information Exchanges depend on voluntary participation and may not be representative of the industry. Readers are urged to review the entire questionnaire report when making conclusions regarding trends or other observations.

Purchase “Administrator Incentive Plans.” from the MGMA.

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