HIPAA Refresher Training for Physician Office Staff

Just because the privacy and security deadlines have passed doesn’t mean your practice is in compliance or that the need for training has disappeared. HIPAA training isn’t a one-time effort. To be in compliance, all new staff require HIPAA orientation and existing staff need periodic refreshers on HIPAA requirements.

Make HIPAA training easy -
Privacy, Security, and Your Practice:
HIPAA Refresher Training for the Entire Staff combines two major components of the HIPAA regulation—privacy and security—in one concise-yet-comprehensive training video created specifically for physician practices. With this quick, convenient video, in less than 20 minutes you’ll provide your staff with everything they need to know about their role in HIPAA compliance.

Order your risk-free copy today!

Turn to Privacy, Security, and Your Practice for first-rate HIPAA training
Through real-life case scenarios, staff will witness typical violations and learn how their actions or inattention can compromise your practice’s compliance efforts. This valuable video will also offer compliance tips and cover essential topics such as:

  • minimum necessary standard
  • notice of privacy practices
  • patient access to medical records
  • password management
  • viruses/malicious software
  • physical security
  • and much more!

Privacy, Security, and Your Practice is a cost-effective, user-friendly way to make certain all of your staff are trained to meet the daily challenges of HIPAA compliance. Don’t put your practice’s reputation—or your bottom line—at risk. Purchase your copy today!


  1. Visit online at HCPro's Healthcare Marketplace.
  2. Call 800/650-6787 and mention Source Code EV50674A.

Have questions? I’m here to help.