Smaller groups still dominate but….

According to a recent survey published by the American Medical Association, the following are medical groups by size, percentage of total, as of 9-30-05:

3 physicians: 22.4%

4 physicians: 17.5%

5-6 physicians: 22.4%

7-9 physicians: 15.4%

10-15 physicians: 10.4%

16+ physicians: 11.9%

I suspect, with reimbursement continuing to decline, physicians needing more of a collective voice over managed care, physicians needing access to capital, physicians needing a transition strategy, or simply physicians needing to prop up their bottom line, that you are going to see these numbers rise. I firmly believe there will be significant consolidation of physician practices in the next 5 years. The writing is just simply “on the wall”.

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