Misc Medicare updates

  • Revised – Reporting the NPI on Physician Claims for Clinical Diagnostic Services Purchased Outside of the Local Carrier’s Jurisdiction, CMS CR 5289.
  • Revised – Extension for Acceptance of Form CMS-1500 (12-90), CMS CR 5568.
  • Revised – Revisions to Incomplete or Invalid Claims Instructions Necessary to Implement the Revised Health Insurance Claim Form CMS-1500 (Version 8/05), CMS CR 5391.
  • Revised – Provider Education for Handling Issues Related to Deceased Providers, CMS CR 5508.
  • Revised – Common Billing Errors to Avoid when Billing Medicare Carriers – SE0712.
  • Revised – Additional Requirements Necessary to Implement the Revised Health Insurance Claim Form CMS-1500, CMS CR 5060.

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