Do The Math: NPPs Add Up

Think PAs and NPs are small potatoes? Then you're losing out on revenue, says Mary Falbo, president of Millennium Healthcare Consulting in Lansdale, PA.

PAs and NPs can allow your physician to see an average of 3 new patients per day, gaining an extra $78 per 99203 visit. With 15 extra patients per week, this adds up to an extra $56,160 per year. Also, the NPP may see on average 18 to 26 established patients per day, netting $43 per 99213. This could add up to $129,00 per year.

Learn more about integrating NPPs into your practice. Download the free Part B Insider Special Mythbuster Issue. Also, learn why the OIG is watching you if you use modifiers 25 or 59, or bill for consults, allergy shots, and nail debridement.

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