Retiring physicians: plan your exit!!

You would not believe the number of calls I've had this year from physicians who have decided they want to retire and want to know "how can I sell my practice?" In other words, there was absolutely no pre-planning for retirement. As I tell physicians, it may take up to one year to sell or transition your practice to another physician or third party buyer (ex. hospital).  I'll be speaking more on this topic throughout this year.

In the meantime, here is a seminar on the topic that I thought you might be interested in:

M&A: Exiting Your Practice: When And How You Should Pass The Buck

This webinar will be held September 12 at 1:00 EST. The following is a summary of the presentation:

If you don’t plan to sell out until you retire, you could be missing an excellent deal. On the other hand, if you want to exit your practice right now but don’t know the business ropes, you could risk losing thousands on an unprepared sale. Avoid both of these mistakes and discover the best selling secrets with expert advice on these topics: 

  • The typical sales process
  • Placing a value on your company
  • Preparing your business for your exit
  • Maximizing value at the time of a sale

You’ll also get valuable insight on both the top industry buyers’ best and worst moves. A rehab buying and selling boom has been sending shockwaves across the country for the past year, and you’ll learn who’s doing it the right way. The key is to turn yourself into a savvy selling expert! Consolidators can sniff out a novice right away and make a poor offer unbeknown to you. Prove to the buyer that you know your playing cards by learning pointers on:

  • Major selling points you may not be aware of
  • Major buyer turn-offs you’ll want to change
  • Sorting out bad apple buyers
  • Making a positive case for your operations and metrics

Click here or call 800-508-2582 to enroll!

Have questions? I’m here to help.