Five steps to help uncover false information on employment applications


As many as 30 percent of applicants for all types of jobs make unjustified claims, exaggerate or omit important information on their resumes or applications. When checking references and verifying credentials, begin with the candidate. To get the most accurate information, complete the following five


1. Ask the job applicant to transcribe resume material on to your practice’s job application form. This way you’re sure to get everything you need. Plus, applications will be more uniform, and therefore, easier to compare.

2. Read the application critically and note questions to ask the candidate to clear up uncertainties and ambiguities.

3. Have applicants note other names used when they earned their degrees, attended school or worked in other places so you can verify their credentials.

4. Ask candidates to sign a statement that the information they’ve written on the application form is true and that you can terminate them if you later find out they have falsified any information.

5. Have each candidate sign a release giving you permission to contact references, former employers, schools, etc. Tell the applicant in writing on the application form that you will check credentials and references before making any job offer.

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