Internet usage policy

If your practice doesn’t already have one in place, here is an internet usage policy you might want to consider adding to your internal policy and procedures manual:

PRACTICE gives no employee the exception of privacy, implied or otherwise, with Internet use or e-mail. All modems, as well as Internet access, are solely the property of PRACTICE and as such will be monitored from time to time. No e-mail message is considered private and PRACTICE reserves the right to review and inspect e-mails and to disclose their contents with or without notice to the employee.

Internet access may be used for office business only. Internet access provided by PRACTICE may not be used for business or personal purposes other than for the business of PRACTICE.

This policy strictly prohibits the use of the office’s system to make derogatory, obscene, harassing or defamatory statements of any type. It also forbids unauthorized copying, distributing and downloading copyrighted or non-business material from the Internet. Violation of this policy is subject to discipline from Administration.

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