Essential Policies and Procedures: The Complete Series for Physician Practices

Established policies and procedures: A win-win for your practice
With a strong, well-written, up-to-date, and user-friendly procedures manual, your employees get an easy-to-follow roadmap that leads straight to the success of your medical practice. Every member of your staff can rely on written policies and procedures to save time, avoid confusion, and side-step errors.

The policies and procedures contained in Essential Policies and Procedures: The Complete Series for Physician Practices offer the best of both worlds—comprehensive advice and strategies, written in easy-to-understand language.

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Each document contains:

  • an initial policy statement that explains what subject matter the policy intends to cover, why it does so, and who is responsible for carrying it out
  • a step-by-step procedure for carrying out the policy
  • a statement or rationale for creating it. This book includes an explanation at the beginning of each chapter that explains "the why."

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