Traits of an effective manager in a medical practice (or any other business)

I am absolutely passionate about helping medical practice managers become better at nurturing, mentoring, coaching, building relationships and focusing on the people they lead. I see a significant lack of focus on these skills among managers AND physician owners. Why am I passionate? Simple – the medical practices that do the best at human resources are the ones that do the best financially – it’s that simple. The following are sample traits of an effective manager…………..

What an effective manager must be:

  • Even-keeled and even-tempered
  • Genuine
  • Good at reading people’s character and skill level
  • Honorable
  • Noble
  • Sensitive to personal issues
  • Smart, but human
  • Someone of high integrity
  • Apolitical
  • Sincere
  • A good communicator
  • A good listener
  • A role model
  • A magnet for talent (the reason people want to stay)
  • Accessible
  • Articulate about what he or she stands for
  • Comfortable with allowing other people to get credit
  • Disciplined about standards, although open to reasons why they may not be met
  • Enthusiastic
  • Studied and precise in conversations
  • Thoughtful
  • Transparent, not opaque

Source: David Maister, Practice What You Preach, Free Press, 2001

Dear Physician: What are you doing at your medical practice RIGHT NOW to help yourself and your managers become better leaders, mentors, coaches, and role models?

Have questions? I’m here to help.