MGMA members cite pay, expenses as top worries

From Modern Healthcare's "Daily Dose" (

Maintaining physician compensation, dealing with expenses that rise faster than revenue, selecting and implementing electronic health records, recruiting physicians, and managing finances in the face of Medicare reimbursement uncertainty were the top concerns of the healthcare executive members of the Englewood, Colo.-based Medical Group Management Association.

In an online poll conducted in March, 1,393 medical group managers rated on a one-to-five scale the level of challenge presented by 34 different issues. MGMA also received 500 written responses, and the information was included in a report in the July issue of the MGMA Connexion magazine.

The poll also found that 49% of respondents are satisfied with their job security and 42% are satisfied with their compensation, but only 33% are satisfied with their work schedule and work-life balance.

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