Watch who handles your accounts receivables

Staff who handle accounts receivable must know what they’re doing. Qualified billers, for example, are worth their weight in gold. Your biller may be an employee with many years of experience for this position, someone brand new, or someone who has slowly moved up the ranks and “inherited” the position, but whoever it is, your biller must be qualified for this function.

Although added knowledge and training always increases one’s qualifications, having a certified biller is not essential to achieving an efficient and comprehensive billing department. The person responsible for billing must, however, keep a breast of new codes, documentation guidelines, third-party protocols, Medicare regulations, compliance issues, and laws regarding claims filing.

The front-desk or admissions staff also handle accounts receivable. They input demographic information critical to filing and so should be well-versed on doing so correctly. Likewise, whoever enters the CPT and diagnosis codes should participate actively in periodic coding updates.

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