Weather/Closing Policy


It’s still winter out there and snow seems to be coming down in blankets in some parts of the country (but not here in Texas where it is 78 degrees in Houston today!). If your office doesn’t have a policy with regard to emergency closings, for whatever reason, here is one you might consider:


In the event of severe weather or a snowstorm, it is to be assumed that the office is open and every effort should be made to be at work. We will attempt to notify everyone via telephone if the office will be officially closed or will open late. However, it is ultimately the employee’s responsibility to find out if the office is closed.

The following pay policy for bad weather days has been established to ensure fairness to all non-exempt personnel:

     1.       Those full time employees who report to work on time and leave at the announced closing time will be paid for a full day for the number of hours they were scheduled to work. Part time employees who work until announced closing time will be paid for actual hours worked and be given the option of making up additional hours another day.

     2.       Those that must leave prior to any announced emergency closing time will be paid for the actual hours worked.

     3.       Those who do not report to work at all due to weather conditions will not be paid for the day if the office is open.

Have questions? I’m here to help.