10 requirements of the perfect (physician practice) manager

Jamie over at (e)merge (https://www.emergewith.us/) turned me on to this list at TechRepublic - review it - how many of these traits do you or your practice admininstrator possess?

1. Be a “people person”

2. Be visionary

3. Be a good communicator

4. Be technically proficient

5. Put your employees’ needs first

6. Encourage teamwork

7. Lead by example

8. Treat your staff like professionals

9. Encourage professional growth

10. Do something special

Satisfying all the above criteria is not enough. You are also required to do something special for your employees that:

Will be remembered fondly decades from now.
Can be shared by the entire group.
Won’t break the budget.

To read commentary to each of these traits, go to


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