Several New and Updated EHR FAQs Added to CMS Database


CMS has recently added three new and three updated FAQs related to the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs. I encourage you to stay informed by taking a few minutes to review the new information. To search and access more FAQs related to the EHR Incentive Programs, please use the CMS FAQ System:

New FAQs:

1. If an eligible professional (EP) practices at an outpatient location, a location other than an inpatient (place of service 21) or emergency department (place of service 23), and that location is only equipped with Certified EHR Technology to the criteria applicable to an inpatient setting, must the EP include that location in their meaningful use calculations? Read the answer here.

2. If an EP practices at an outpatient location that has not implemented all the functionalities necessary to meet meaningful use, is that location considered equipped with Certified EHR Technology? Must that location be included in the EP's meaningful use calculations? Does it matter if the location possesses ambulatory Certified EHR Technology covering the relevant meaningful use objectives, but does not implement them? Read the answer here.

3. When combining meaningful use data from multiple locations equipped with Certified EHR Technology, is it required to have a full meaningful use report from each location or is it acceptable to only collect denominator information from one or more locations? Read the answer here.

Updated FAQs:

1. How and when will incentive payments for the Medicare EHR Incentive Programs be made? Read the answer here.

2. If multiple EPs or eligible hospitals contribute information to a shared portal or to a patient's online personal health record (PHR), how is it counted for meaningful use when the patient accesses the information on the portal or PHR? Read the answer here.

3. If I participated in the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program last year, am I required to participate in the following year? Read the answer here.

Want more information about the EHR Incentive Programs? Make sure to visit the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs website for the latest news and updates on the EHR Incentive Programs

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