Major Upgrades to the Internet-based Medicare PECOS System


Over the last year, CMS has listened to your feedback about Internet-based PECOS and made improvements to increase access to more information. PECOS is easier to use than ever with the following upgrades that are now available: Providers/suppliers now have an easier way to view their enrollment information. PECOS will display the following information:

o View Approved Enrollment Record – displays the provider/supplier’s finalized enrollment information in PECOS,

o View Submitted Application – displays the provider/supplier’s enrollment information pertaining to the last electronic submission, and

o View New or In-Progress Applications – displays the provider/supplier’s enrollment information as its being edited in PECOS.

The provider/supplier can access the enrollment information from the My Enrollment page. The information will display in an HTML view and can be saved and/or printed by the provider/supplier. Note: The CMS-855 PDF forms are no longer available and have been replaced with the new HTML views. The enrollment tutorial videos, located on the PECOS home page, have been updated to illustrate the most common enrollment scenarios completed by providers/suppliers. A new part B provider service has been established for Centralized Flu Billers. In addition, the Centralized Flu Biller Approval letter has been added as a type of Required/Supporting documentation for a CMS 855B enrollment. Centralized Flu Biller enrollments submitted via PECOS will be routed to Novitas Solutions, the designated Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) responsible for enrolling this provider service. A new “Durable Medical Equipment (DME) License Information” topic has been added to PECOS. This topic will display the DME license information currently on file for existing suppliers. The information is viewable only and cannot be edited or deleted by the supplier.

New applications will not display the DME License Information topic. The Reassignment Report can now be found under the “View” button on the My Enrollments page in PECOS. The report displays the following information:

o Provider Name,
o National Provider identifier (NPI),
o Current Enrollment Status,
o Enrollment State,
o Revalidation Notice Sent Date, and
o Revalidation Status

The report displays up to 50 records on the report screen. For reassignment reports containing more than 50 records, the authorized user will be prompted to download the report into an excel spreadsheet by clicking the Generate Report button at the bottom of the screen.

To access internet-based PECOS, go to the PECOS website.


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