1 Out of Every 3 Docs Plans to Quit – Really?


Blaming low compensation and the hassles of healthcare reform, 34% of general practice physicians say they plan to leave the practice of medicine over the next decade, according to a new national survey. The survey of 2,218 physicians by recruiting firm Jackson Healthcare also found that 16% of the respondents said they will, or are strongly considering, retiring, leaving medicine, or going part-time in 2012.

Of those physicians who said they plan to retire or leave medicine this year, 56% cited economic factors and 51% cited health reform as among the major factors. Of those physicians who said they are strongly considering leaving medicine in 2012, 55% were under age 55.

"That's what we were most surprised about; that the majority of the folks that were considering leaving medicine or planning to leave medicine this year were under 55 years old. The key takeaway is that they're not retiring; they're quitting," say the researchers. The survey also found that specialists were more inclined to leave medicine in the next decade, including:

• Oncologists and hematologists - 57% said they would retire by 2022
• Otolaryngologists - 49% said they would retire in the next decade
• General Surgeons - 49% said they would retire by 2022
• Cardiologists - 45% said they would retire in the next decade
• Urologists - 42% said they would retire by 2022


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