Another reminder – Is your physician office OSHA compliant?

The blood-borne pathogen requirements under OSHA include: the development and implementation of an Exposure Control Plan; determinations of exposure of employees to items; use of safety-engineered needles and other engineering and work practice controls to minimize exposures; and training for new employees, and then annually for other employees, with regard to the various programs that may be required. Once on site, OSHA inspectors also check for other violations, including, for example, posting of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) regarding any chemicals that may be used in the office, such as those utilized to sterilize instruments. Be aware that in OSHA’s view, the physicians are “employees.” Thus, even if the staff are not exposed to needles, scalpels or other similar devices, the doctor is, which is sufficient for requiring compliance with the OSHA regulations.

Have questions? I’m here to help.