Upcoming webinar on physician practice mergers


If you’ve been reading my “preachings” of late, you know how much I’m in favor of physician practices merging with one another. Merging with another medical practice has become a viable “strategic” option for practices of all sizes as a way to reduce overhead, increase revenues, create a dominant market position, better negotiate with third pary payers, and provide for the ultimate transition out of medicine.

This Wednesday Greenbranch Publishing is conducting a webinar on merging medical practices, with Will Latham as the speaker. The webinar will cover the following topics:

• Learn why groups are merging and an overview of the “trends” in healthcare today;

• Understand the merger process, including the myths and truths of mergers;

• Identify key merger issues;

• Determine who is involved in the merger process;

• Understand the “human element” and the impact in merger negotiations; and

• Learn the inside scoop on pitfalls to avoid.

I believe this is one webinar you should not miss. For more information, go to:


Have questions? I’m here to help.