New and Updated FAQs for the EHR Incentive Programs Now Available by CMS


To keep you updated with information on the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (HER) Incentive Programs, CMS has recently added four new FAQs and an updated FAQ to the CMS FAQ system. We encourage you to stay informed by taking a few minutes to review the new information below.

New FAQs:

• For some of the eligible professional (EP) clinical quality measures (CQMs), there are look back periods or look forward periods for which data was not available. How are these CQMs calculated for the reporting period?

• Why does the result of the clinical quality measure for CMS140v2 not accurately reflect an accurate performance rate upon calculation according to the measure logic in the specification?

• In calculating the meaningful use objectives requiring patient action, if a patient sends a message or accesses his/her health information made available by their EP, can the other EPs in the practice get credit for the patient’s action in meeting the objectives?

• When reporting on the Summary of Care objective in the Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program, how is a transition of care defined and which transitions would count toward the numerator of the measures?

Want more information about the EHR Incentive Programs? Make sure to visit the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs website for the latest news and updates on the EHR incentive programs.

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