Is a physician’s stamped signature acceptable?

No, stamped signatures are not acceptable. Medicare requires that services provided/ordered be authenticated by the author of the order or medical record entry. Only handwritten or electronic signatures are acceptable.

What specific verbiage is considered acceptable for electronic signatures?

The phrases listed below are acceptable for electronic signatures:

Accepted By” with provider’s name
“Electronically signed by” with provider’s name
“Verified by” with provider’s name
“Reviewed by” with provider’s name
“Signed by” with provider’s name
Signed: John Smith, M.D.” with provider’s name
This is an electronically verified report by John Smith, M.D.
Authenticated by John Smith, M.D
Authorized by: John Smith, M.D
Confirmed by with provider’s name
Electronically approved by with provider’s name

Please note Medicare would expect the phrase/signature to be dated.

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