2016 Illustrated CPT® Coding Manuals

If you’ve been looking for a one-stop, illustrated coding reference that provides the critical coding details you need to accurately report your provider’s services in 2016, look no further. The Coding Institute has the reference you need and they offer it in 18 different medical specialties. The SuperCoder Illustrated Coding Manuals 2016 collection is an expert 18-specialty coding reference library that provides not only current coding data but also clearly-written procedure descriptions, coding instruction, and illustrations to help you visualize the work done. No more juggling a lot of different coding manuals and frantically searching databases or the web for code details when you need to file a claim, our CPT® coding books include everything you need. Set up with an “everything you need to know about a code on one page” approach, a typical page in our SuperCoder Illustrated Coding Manuals 2016 series contains:

  • A -current CPT® code definition
  • A description of the physician’s work for that procedure
  • Expert coding tips from our coding writers
  • A procedure illustration where appropriate
  • A CPT®-ICD 9 cross-reference
  • A CPT®-ICD-10 cross reference
  • CCI edit information
  • RVU updates
  • LCD details


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