Gold vs. Platinum: Which Do Your Employees Give Patients?

Have you ever had that “a-ha” moment when you come across an old document?  Those “oldies, but goodies” that you’ve forgotten about years ago…?  That is the feeling I had when running into a post online I’d previously seen.  While originally posted years ago, the ideas presented still remain steadfast and educational.

As all practice managers know, there are a handful of “Golden Rules” every healthcare organization must strive to exude.  There are vital rules healthcare employees must live by.  Such as, “Give every patient your total attention”; “Be a team player”; and “Contribute to making your practice a good place to work.”  Without staff members adhering to these general principles, employee satisfaction and thus patient experience declines.  When traveling the country training staff members at a variety of healthcare organizations, I express the importance of not only practicing the “Golden Rule”, but striving higher to demonstrate the “Platinum Rule”.  This consists of not only treating others the way you would want to be treated, but rather treating others the way they would like to be treated.

We’ve all heard it time and time again… “Be a team player.”  When working towards a greater goal, everyone must act as a cohesive system.  Patient satisfaction and superior patient experiences cannot happen with only one member of the team.  Collectively, through supporting each other, consistent success can be achieved.  What does a team player within a healthcare organization look like?  It could be stepping in to handle a patient when a co-worker is running behind, entering information into health records to conserve time, supporting others in personal times of need and simply working your hardest to show commitment to the organization.

The tone of a practice’s environment is not set and sustained by one person.  While management may enhance or downgrade the spirit of the office, everyone contributes.  As a whole, employees must act collectively to make the organization a great place to work.  Negative attitudes are not easily masked.   The patients you see and the employees you work alongside feel the effects of your mindset.  Staying true to these timeless ideals, or “Golden Rules”, can create a positive work environment and thus, a more desirable organization as a whole.


Have questions? I’m here to help.