Employee unprofessional conduct section for your medical practice personnel manual

Below is a sample unprofessional conduct clause for your human resource manual. Whenever you have an offense or potential offense, cut and paste the appropriate section of the manual, highlight the offense and potential action and give it to the offender for discussion.

Unprofessional Conduct

Unprofessional conduct is unacceptable behavior as it disrupts the orderly flow of business, hurts morale and lessens the quality of job performance. Our physician practice has identified some examples of unprofessional conduct which may result in disciplinary action, including discharge:

  • Unexcused or repeated absence or tardiness
  • Failure to adhere to uniform and personal hygiene regulations
  • Unauthorized solicitation or attending to personal affairs during work hours
  • Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions
  • Unauthorized personal phone calls
  • Destruction or negligent abuse of office property
  • Refusal to work scheduled or emergent overtime
  • Posting, removing or tampering with bulletin boardnotices without authority
  • Leaving the premises during work hours without authorization
  • Working unauthorized overtime
  • Misuse of sick leave benefit
  • Personal behavior outside the office which could be harmful to the reputation of the practice
  • Mishandling, misappropriation or unauthorized removal or possession of funds and/or property of SCC or of another staff member
  • Inability to establish a rapport with the physicians, management, co-workers or patients
  • Unsatisfactory work performance or behaviors
  • Violation of any practice policy including as described in this manual, Employee Handbook, Compliance Manual, OSHA Manual or HIPAA Manual.
  • Improper disclosure of confidential information
  • Falsifying or destroying any records including time keeping records
  • Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs


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