Satisfied vs. Unsatisfied: How One Employee Changed Everything

With the emphasis we place on our client’s customer service, we are always keeping our eyes open to observe interesting customer service experiences.  I had one such experience last week; one I thought could be the worst of my entire 2017.  However, due to an extremely polite, apologetic employee, he managed the best save of the year.

The case was a set appointment with a local company for an issue at our household that needed immediate attention.  Without having had this type of service performed at our house previously, we went into the market with no true loyalty to any one brand.  The company was schedule to drop by noon to get the issue quickly resolved so I could get back to the office and be on with my day.  The morning prior to the scheduled appointment, I received a call informing me they would have to move my appointment forward to 10:30 a. m. due to a double booking.  On the day of the appointment, I was sure to be home at the designated time I was rescheduled for.  However, I was the only one at the house, no service tech arrived.  At nearly 11:25 a.m. I received a call from the company informing me that the tech was, “running late” and would be there in roughly 20 minutes.  He actually arrived shortly before 12:15 p.m. (50 minutes later).

At this point, I was completely unsatisfied and prepared to tell him that I was running so far behind we would have to reschedule.  Much to my surprise, when I answered the door, an incredibly apologetic young man proceeded to tell me the details of his emergency situation at a large, well known local company and assured me that he would have everything handled by the time I needed to be back to work.  Even though he was visibly stressed and massively behind schedule, he kept a smile on his face and asked details into each of the issues we were having.  All in all, I found that I couldn’t even complain about him being late, because he was so polite and informative.

I hope for the company’s sake they recognize what a viable member of their team this young man is and that he receives the necessary amount of praise from his managers.  While I was on my last string and ready to spread the word about this particular company’s terrible customer service, he not only saved his company from negative word of mouth, but won our business as he is returning next month to help with some more work!

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