New 2018 MIPS Data Submission Videos Now Available

CMS has a posted a series of videos to the QPP Resource Library to help clinicians understand how to manage and submit their 2018 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) data through the QPP website between now and April 2, 2019. There are 10 brief videos that cover the following topics:

  1. Uploading Files for Data Submission
  2. Reviewing Overview Data
  3. Reviewing Quality Category Data
  4. Reviewing Promoting Interoperability Category Data
  5. Reviewing Improvement Activities Category Data
  6. Manual Attestation of the Promoting Interoperability Category
  7. Manual Attestation of the Improvement Activities Category
  8. Deleting Submitted Data in the System
  9. Reviewing and Submitting Data as a Registry
  10. Navigation to Individual and Group Submission

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