Physician practice metrics to benchmark and monitor


Need a complete list of non-accounting metrics to benchmark and monitor; here you go (If any others please send to me at

  • Gross Collection Percentage
  • Net Collection Percentage
  • Days in A/R
  • A/R Ratio
  • A/R in excess of 90 days old
  • Clinical/Procedure/Ancillary Encounters
  • Provider Work RVUs
  • Charges by Payor         
  • Collections by Payor
  • Payor Collections by Physician
  • Referring Physician by Physician
  • E/M coding comparisons
  • Average Wait Time in Reception Area
  • Front desk collection success
    • Copayments
    • Patients with A/R balances
  • How quickly visits/procedures are billed
  • How long does it take to get paid by payors
  • Percent of scheduled patients vs. available visit/surgery/procedure appointment times
  • Percent of insurance eligibility verifications vs. total scheduled patients
  • Recall visits vs. recalls available
  • Average number of missing charges vs. services rendered (actual & CPT mistakes)
  • Percent of denied/rejected claims vs. total claims filed
  • Percent of denied/rejected claims appealed successfully vs. total denial/rejections
  • Average days between receipt of payment and payment posted
  • Average number of unpaid claims resolved by day per collector


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