Leadership Tips for Physician Practice Administrators and/or Managing Partners


The following qualities are a MUST have for the leadership in any organization, team, administrator or managing partner.  The effect of the whole, or sole leader MUST be this:

  • Be goal-driven;
  • Have a passion for the profession;
  • Understand the importance of teamwork as opposed to individual accomplishment;
  • Plan well but understand that operational effectiveness must precede everything else. “If you don’t have good operations, then you’ll never have growth and development,” he says;
  • Believe that career development comes from effectiveness in one’s current job rather than in planning for the future. They believe that future opportunities will naturally arise if they do their best with what they have;
  • Don’t do it for the money;
  • Take calculated risks;
  • Develop consensus before making decisions;
  • Align incentives with the practice’s mission;
  • Admit to errors;
  • Integrate technology appropriately;
  • Measure and benchmark;
  • Celebrate partial victories and accomplishment of goals;
  • Listen well and communicate effectively. They invest time in developing their teams, then listen to make sure they understand the needs of the organization from the customer to the leadership team; and
  • Are serious about fulfilling the needs of the patient and satisfying patient expectations.



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