Medicare Shared Savings Program: Do You Plan to Apply to be an ACO?


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CMS announced Notice of Intent to Apply (NOIA) and application cycle dates for a January 1, 2020, start date for the Medicare Shared Savings Program – Pathways to Success – Opens in a new window . Beginning June 11, 2019, CMS will start accepting NOIAs via the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Management System (ACO-MS). You must submit a NOIA if you intend to apply to the BASIC or ENHANCED track of the Shared Savings Program, apply for a Skilled Nursing Facility 3-Day Rule Waiver, and/or establish and operate a Beneficiary Incentive Program.

NOIA submissions are due no later than June 28 at noon ET. A NOIA submission does not bind your organization to submit an application; however, you must submit a NOIA to be eligible to apply. Each ACO should submit only one NOIA. ACOs will have an opportunity to make changes to their tracks, repayment mechanisms, and other NOIA-related information during the application submission period. Also, CMS allows ACOs to submit sample documentation (e.g., sample ACO participant agreements) with their NOIA in order to receive feedback from CMS before the application period opens.

The application submission period will be open from July 1 through 29, 2019, at noon ET.

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