Physician Practice Absenteeism Policy

I sometimes get asked is there a physician absenteeism policy I like. Here is one sample policy but you have to be willing to enforce it for it to be effective. You can insert your own lines of authority/notification.

Non-Scheduled Time Off (Call Offs)

All employees should notify their direct supervisor (Operations Manager, Surgery Center Clinical Manager, or CEO) when taking a non-scheduled day off (less than 24 hour notice from scheduled time to report to work).  Any call offs Friday after 4:30 pm through Sunday for Monday will be considered unscheduled. 

All employees must either arrange for coverage and let Management know, or call one of the Management team prior to your scheduled time to report to work but please use courtesy and call at reasonable hours only. 

  1. An incident is one event of illness or call off.  For example an employee that misses two consecutive days due to the flu will be counted for only one incident.
  2.  Full-time employees are allowed 4 unscheduled incidents to be used as non-scheduled time off per calendar year.  Part-time employees are allowed 3 unscheduled incidents to be used as non-scheduled time off per calendar year.  TPD employees are allowed 2 unscheduled incidents to be used as non-scheduled time off per calendar year.
  3.  Non-scheduled time off after the four (4) incidents (full-time employees), three (3) incidents (Part-time employees), and two (2) incidents (TPD employees) will result in corrective action as follows:

Corrective Action

  1. Employee will receive Verbal Warning

  2. If another incident occurs then employee will receive Written Warning

  3. If another incident occurs then employee will be Suspended and/or Terminated
  4. Final incident will result in Termination

Extenuating circumstances

Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by Management An absence of more than three days (4+) due to illness must be confirmed with a doctor's release authorizing your return to work.  For your safety, you will not be permitted to work without this release

If an employee works less than two (2) hours during their scheduled shift and then must leave this will be considered one (1) unscheduled incident.  If the employee works more than two hours then the incident will not be counted towards their yearly allotment of non-scheduled time off.  

Have questions? I’m here to help.