Medicare Provider Enrollment Alert – Issues resulting from recent Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) Release

PECOS Release 7.37 was implemented

On June 30, 2019, PECOS Release 7.37 was implemented. This release was prescheduled and designed to bring efficiencies to Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and providers who use PECOS. While many aspects of the release were successful, a small component associated to changes made to existing and new group reassignments, was found to be problematic post-implementation. As a result, data flows from PECOS to the Multi-Carrier System (MCS) for these changes have been delayed for all MACs to proactively correct the identified issue.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has assembled a team with accountability for resolving this issue. The team is working tirelessly to resolve the issue by July 16, 2019.

Potential Questions and related Medicare's Answers that you may have:

Q:  Can I continue to submit enrollment applications?

A: Yes, please continue to submit applications as you do today. Internet-based PECOS applications are the quickest method of submission and processing, although you may submit either via Internet-based PECOS web or paper applications. Application processing will continue at each of the MACs as normal. Please also continue to respond to requests for additional information.

Q: My PECOS enrollment record has been approved, but when I attempt to enroll with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), they indicate my provider/supplier is not present in the claims system. Is additional action needed on my part?

A: No, we will update this article when a fix has been deployed and at that time you can enroll with EDI.

Q: My PECOS enrollment record has been approved, but when I submit claims, they cannot be processed because the NPI/PTAN is not present in the claims system. Is additional action needed on my part?

A: No, we will update this article when a fix has been deployed and at that time you can resubmit claims for processing.


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