Proposed 10.1% cut in Medicare payments – Ouch


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will cut Medicare physician payment  10.1 percent unless Congress intervenes. MGMA is partnering with the American Medical Association (AMA) and national medical specialties in a targeted call-in campaign on Tuesday, Nov. 6; Wednesday, Nov. 7; and Thursday, Nov. 8 to urge senators to act.


Senate offices need to hear directly from you and all providers in your practices now, as the Medicare payment package is being crafted. Tell them why it’s vital that the Senate stop the pending Medicare physician payment cut.


Simply dial the toll-free AMA hotline at 800.833.6354 and you will be patched through to your senators using your ZIP code.


Ask your senators to speak to Sens. Max Baucus, D-Mont., and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, the chair and ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, respectively, and urge them to include positive Medicare physician updates in the Medicare bill.

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