Medicare CAP Drug Program Delayed

In an announcement this week from Medicare CMS Effective August , , CMS is suspending the current CAP vendor bidding process for which bids were previously due August , .... Read More >

House Passes Malpractice Limits

Legislation that would limit damages for medical malpractice has passed the House for the third consecutive year. The bill, approved Thursday by a vote of - , would cap awards... Read More >

Diabetes Screenings Now Payable

Remember that diabetes screenings are now payable by Medicare. You can bill Medicare twice per year for pre-diabetic patients and you can bill once a year for patients who do... Read More >

Physician Panic

How does a physician define panic ? When his or her take home pay begins to go down. Unfortunately for many physicians, this is becoming commonplace. The real tragedy is... Read More >

Medicare Part D – The Drug Benefit

Nearly . million seniors with high prescription drug costs will still be responsible for thousands of dollars of expenses even after Medicare s drug benefit begins in January, according to... Read More >

MEDPAC March 05 Report to Congress

MedPAC s March report to Congress contained the following list of recommendations to lawmakers directed to imaging operations and practices . HHS approve coding edits for imaging studies to detect... Read More >

How to Audit a Mission Statement

Some medical practices have taken the time and trouble to prepare its own mission statement. Most are displayed proudly in the patient reception area and around the office. However, do... Read More >

OIG Workplan

Did you know the following physician issues were included on the OIG (Office of Inspector General) work plan? Read More >

Removing Managed Care Red Tape

When assessing your managed care relationships, look not only at reimbursement, but the so-called red tape issues as well. Ask your staff this question for each of your payers What... Read More >

Embezzlement #3

Another instance of an employee stealing patient copays in a medical practice. The following was excerted from an email I received: Read More >